This is a valid discussion but getting a little off topic for this subject. Though reading back, it got way off topic many posts before.
Anyway, Updating the Handbook needs to be done so people do not think that Electrathon died in 2019.
My suggestions:
I would suggest that a big help to attracting more racers would be to update the Manual. This does not require changing any rules. First a new cover. It does not have to have a year on it. Just something like 'Effective Jan 1st 2024 until superseded by revision'.
Changing the emphasis of introductory pages would help. For example:
"VEHICLES Electrathon vehicles are single person, lightweight, aerodynamic, high efficiency, electric vehicles with three or four pneumatic tires. They must meet specific design and safety rules. They are powered by standard sealed (wont leak if damaged) lead acid battery packs not exceeding the weight limit specified in the vehicle design rules section. (page 3.)
"VEHICLES Electrathon vehicles are single person, lightweight, aerodynamic, high efficiency, electric vehicles with three or four pneumatic tires. They must meet specific design and safety rules. They are powered by batteries not exceeding the weight limit and/or capacity specified in the vehicle design rules section. (page 3.)
I would also argue that moving the section on the Advanced Battery Class to the Battery section is not a rule change. The first sentence would be there are Two Battery classes, Advanced and Lead Acid. Then put the Advanced Battery Heading first with it's rules and then Lead Acid Battery heading with those rules.
Finally, I would suggest adding a section in the Vehicle Design Guidelines about putting together an Advanced Battery pack.
ProEV said
Dec 15, 2023
nickg wrote:
Seems to me that EA is too focused and dependent on High Schools. I am not against High Schools at all, but I think it is healthy to have a full spectrum of entrants so that the program can maintain momentum when hard times come to one area.
Hi Nick,
While Electrathon is great for High Schools because with a kit car or donated car, the students can get racing at a basic level quickly, I do think that there is a huge opportunity for college programs. 3D design, energy optimizing software, DAQ. Advanced learning can be done without large costs.
What I have seen is that the High School teams are run by a teacher. This means that even when the students graduate, there is still a person with knowledge and experience keeping the program going.
Our College teams, University of South Florida and Hillsboro Community College have had some excellent hard core race teams but, the key players graduate. There often does not seem to be anyone keeping the team going.
And related, Florida Power and Light has committed to equipping 20 high school Electrathon teams in their service area. They have already started three teams and are looking for other interested High School teams. They are doing a great job, not only providing the equipment but helping the teams get going. I wonder if a college team approached them whether they would consider supporting them too.
This is a valid discussion but getting a little off topic for this subject. Though reading back, it got way off topic many posts before.
Anyway, Updating the Handbook needs to be done so people do not think that Electrathon died in 2019.
My suggestions:
I would suggest that a big help to attracting more racers would be to update the Manual. This does not require changing any rules. First a new cover. It does not have to have a year on it. Just something like 'Effective Jan 1st 2024 until superseded by revision'.
Changing the emphasis of introductory pages would help. For example:
Electrathon vehicles are single person, lightweight, aerodynamic, high efficiency, electric vehicles with three or four pneumatic tires. They must meet specific design and safety rules. They are powered by standard sealed (wont leak if damaged) lead acid battery packs not exceeding the weight limit specified in the vehicle design rules section.
(page 3.)
Electrathon vehicles are single person, lightweight, aerodynamic, high efficiency, electric vehicles with three or four pneumatic tires. They must meet specific design and safety rules. They are powered by batteries not exceeding the weight limit and/or capacity specified in the vehicle design rules section.
(page 3.)
I would also argue that moving the section on the Advanced Battery Class to the Battery section is not a rule change. The first sentence would be there are Two Battery classes, Advanced and Lead Acid. Then put the Advanced Battery Heading first with it's rules and then Lead Acid Battery heading with those rules.
Finally, I would suggest adding a section in the Vehicle Design Guidelines about putting together an Advanced Battery pack.
Hi Nick,
While Electrathon is great for High Schools because with a kit car or donated car, the students can get racing at a basic level quickly, I do think that there is a huge opportunity for college programs. 3D design, energy optimizing software, DAQ. Advanced learning can be done without large costs.
What I have seen is that the High School teams are run by a teacher. This means that even when the students graduate, there is still a person with knowledge and experience keeping the program going.
Our College teams, University of South Florida and Hillsboro Community College have had some excellent hard core race teams but, the key players graduate. There often does not seem to be anyone keeping the team going.
And related, Florida Power and Light has committed to equipping 20 high school Electrathon teams in their service area. They have already started three teams and are looking for other interested High School teams. They are doing a great job, not only providing the equipment but helping the teams get going. I wonder if a college team approached them whether they would consider supporting them too.