I'm planning on coming to this event, however not with my school. Is there any paperwork or registration required beforehand, or does one simply show up and register at the race?
Phil McMillen
electrathon said
May 4, 2010
Generally, you can just show up. Minor liability releases can be an issue if not pre-done.
Stuart Perlmeter is the person to ask.
electrathon said
May 5, 2010
Good morning NW electrathon folks
Everything is ready for the race this Saturday and the weather is expected to cooperate. We will run 2 heats with the first starting promptly at 10:45 and the 2nd heat at 12:15. Because of street closure and city permits we need racers ready to start on time and be ready to reopen the street by 1:30. Lunch will be provided for all drivers, students working the pit crew and teachers. Unfortunately parents working with your teams will have to supply their own food unless we have extra burgers left over. If you need more information go to the website. Thanks. Stuart
SUB Electric Mile-May 8th
Stuart Perlmeter
WELL Project
Springfield Public Schools
1084 G. Street
Springfield, OR 97477
electrathon said
May 10, 2010
Mark and I just spent the last 3 hours looking at the video of the race. What a hassle! I once again want to emphasize the issue of properly marking the cars with legable car numbers. I would say that at least 2/3 of the cars have absolutly no way of identifying them on the camera. That coupled with the drivers that do not (some will not) hook up the transponder to the 24 volt feed on the car. I actually am having issues after I tell the team that their transponder is not properly hooked up that they are telling me they do not care if it is reading properly and just want to leave it that way. After a year of having misses with this system and finally tracing almsot every error it has to the improper instalation of the transponder, I am astonished that so many racers could care less about hooking up the part that will give them laps!
I am going to say this again (although I am sure not for the last time): Mount the transponder, facing down, 12"-18" above the track. It hooks up to the 24 volt system. It does not hook up to the motor power wire coming out of the controller! This is the reason we have been having issues. It will sort of work, some of the time, if it is hooked up to the output wire. IT WILL NOT WORK EVERY TIME THOUGH! The white wire is positive, the black wire is negative, leave the other wires alone, they are programing wires.
What happened Saturday: About 10 minutes from the end of th erace our computer started acting up. We did not know till last night, but we did get the count in the computer, it was just not displaying properly on screen. This was cross checked today when we audited the race.
We have the results. There as usual are the issues we have had all season of people not entering their cars with us at the counting table and just appearing on the track and that sort of thing, but we have answers. The problem we had appears to be with the laptop we are using and not the counting software as we though yetereday. Mark will send results to Hodgert this evening and Mike will verify them. We will then post results.
electrathon said
May 10, 2010
Place Car # Team Name Driver # Laps Last Timestamp
1 59 David Douglas HS Zaine Stapleton 51 00:57.4
2 107 Willamette HS Alec Meadows 50 59:59.6
3 110 Willamette HS Mike Sweet 50 01:12.7
4 108 Willamette HS Tim Rodgers 49 01:22.4
5 42 Centennial HS Justin Draggon 48 00:12.8
6 103 Willamette HS Dustin Conway 48 00:53.1
7 27 Hood River Valley HS Nathan McCaw 48 01:36.8
8 25 Centennial HS Nick Morrell 48 01:48.4
9 32 Hood River Valley HS Ian Baxter 47 00:32.8
10 50 Centennial HS Mike McMurry 47 00:34.1
11 100 Willamette HS Andrew Birdsall 47 00:46.4
12 102 Willamette HS Brad Baker 47 00:46.5
13 115 Willamette HS Peter Mingus 47 00:48.1
14 12 Centennial HS Alex Chiodo 47 01:36.3
15 156 Thurston HS Student 46 00:29.3
16 159 Thurston HS Student 45 01:47.9
17 158 Thurston HS Student 44 01:05.9
18 111 Willamette HS Sinjin Miller 43 01:40.8
19 113 Willamette HS Aubree hyes 42 00:15.1
20 151 Thurston HS Student 42 00:46.8
21 51 David Douglas HS Student 38 59:20.0
22 154 Thurston HS Student 38 00:45.2
23 152 Thurston HS Student 37 00:27.4
24 444 Monroe HS Student 37 01:12.2
25 22 Hood River Valley HS Student 36 00:57.7
26 155 Thurston HS Student 35 00:21.7
27 99 Willamette HS Clayton Jones 34 00:12.3
28 170 West Lake Tech HS Student 34 01:11.4
electrathon said
May 10, 2010
29 222 Hood River Valley HS Student 32 01:28.1 30 153 Thurston HS Student 31 01:47.1 31 101 Willamette HS Tess Munger 28 44:40.6 32 105 Willamette HS Student 27 54:23.4 32 55 David Douglas HS Student 27 58:38.3 34 104 Willamette HS Brandon Foote 25 30:42.9 35 157 Thurston HS Student 21 29:41.7 36 344 Columbia HS Student 15 21:50.5 37 333 Monroe HS Student 10 43:45.6 37 96 Willamette HS Student 10 44:03.6 39 847 Monroe HS Student 8 33:45.3 40 98 Willamette HS John Hilliker 5 07:47.8 41 PLACE EARNED IF NO T AT THE RACE .
OPEN CLASS 1 38 Williamette HS Mike Hodgert 50 01:24.6 2 17 Hood River Valley HS Jeff McCaw 46 00:53.5 3 49 Willamette HS Greg Newton 46 01:00.5 4 47 Hood River Valley HS Adult 42 56:47.6 5 282 WSU Adult 35 59:34.4 6 202 WSU Adult 31 01:50.1 7 199 Willamette HS Adult 23 48:23.6 8 250 West Lake Tech Adult 21 34:39.5 9 150 West Lake Tech Adult 20 43:07.5 10 171 West Lake Tech Adult 19 25:51.8
mhodgertt said
May 12, 2010
To clarify Aaron's message--I do not verify the results. All I do is take what you send and try to put it into a more readable format. Work out the ties and try to add names for the drivers. I do not get the information to verify anything. Once I have the race results sorted out the best I can I update the state standings. Then I send all of this out asking for any corrections, etc. to be sent to me so I can come up with a final acceptble set of data. All I can do is work with the data that Mark and Aaron send me. This takes me about 3 + hours each week.
Anonymous said
May 12, 2010
We appreciate all your time. Thanks!
Zaine Stapleton said
Aug 12, 2010
Here are the photos my mom took at the Springfield race.
30 153 Thurston HS Student 31 01:47.1
31 101 Willamette HS Tess Munger 28 44:40.6
32 105 Willamette HS Student 27 54:23.4
32 55 David Douglas HS Student 27 58:38.3
34 104 Willamette HS Brandon Foote 25 30:42.9
35 157 Thurston HS Student 21 29:41.7
36 344 Columbia HS Student 15 21:50.5
37 333 Monroe HS Student 10 43:45.6
37 96 Willamette HS Student 10 44:03.6
39 847 Monroe HS Student 8 33:45.3
40 98 Willamette HS John Hilliker 5 07:47.8
1 38 Williamette HS Mike Hodgert 50 01:24.6
2 17 Hood River Valley HS Jeff McCaw 46 00:53.5
3 49 Willamette HS Greg Newton 46 01:00.5
4 47 Hood River Valley HS Adult 42 56:47.6
5 282 WSU Adult 35 59:34.4
6 202 WSU Adult 31 01:50.1
7 199 Willamette HS Adult 23 48:23.6
8 250 West Lake Tech Adult 21 34:39.5
9 150 West Lake Tech Adult 20 43:07.5
10 171 West Lake Tech Adult 19 25:51.8