In the flag section (page 32) there needs to be a claification as to the use/meaning of the yellow flag. I have been to a handfull of events over the years where there is an accident/breakdown on the track and the race official has every corner marshal on the track start waving yellow flags. The end efffect of this is all of the drivers start ignoring the yellow flags because they realize there is no imediate danger that the flag is representing.
The meaning of the yellow flag needs to be clairified as to represent an imediate danger and to procede forward with caution till the danger is driven past. There are no situations in Electrathons that call for a "whole track" yellow. We have a red flag if something that serious happens.
mhodgertt said
Jul 22, 2010
I agree completely and a good idea to clarify this in the handbook. At daVinci Days last weekend the corner marshals were always using the yellow flags when the problem was half way around the track 4/5 corners later. As you said I and others soon did not pay any attention to the flaggers but started trying to see what we could on our own. I think this is why I was rear ended hard when Shannon Cloud hit the curb and blocked the "S" curve. I hit my brakes and slid to a stop as soon as I saw her but the driver behind me did not and hit me at nearly full speed.
The meaning of the yellow flag needs to be clairified as to represent an imediate danger and to procede forward with caution till the danger is driven past. There are no situations in Electrathons that call for a "whole track" yellow. We have a red flag if something that serious happens.