Can anyone demo a car at our high school in Washington?
nealhanz said
May 9, 2011
My brother (Alan Scholz) and I have been sponsoring Electrothon students from Willamette High in Eugene through our company Bike Friday for a number of years.
I have recently relocated to Winthrop WA in the beautiful Methow Valley. I have talked up the Electothon project as a great magnet class for kids. A couple of the teachers from Liberty Bell high school made it to the Lacey Grand Prix last week and have found religion.
I am apealing for someone or a group to come to Winthrop and demostrate a car for the kids and if possible let them drive it.
If this is possible for anyone, we are shooting for June 3rd 2011 so that it can be done before summer vacation.
Can anyone do it? Give me a call at 509 - 996 - 4267 or email me at
Hanz Scholz
cofounder at Bike Friday
mhodgertt said
May 9, 2011
Hanz, Great to hear you are involved with this. I heard from Mike Cheek that you 'retired' from Bike Friday. Thanks for the years of support for our program.
I can not make it as I am teaching that day and I admit that I would hate to make the drive there from Eugene. I would have to drive our battery truck that gets about 4.5 miles per gallon. I'm not sure where Winthrop is but here are some possibilities. If non of these work let me know and I may be able to come up with others.
Lacy WA race had a couple of local open class cars this year and a high school that had a couple of cars but the teacher did not come to their race this year because it was the Saturday of Easter weekend. Todd Blackman has a car and his contact is '' he could also give you those other contacts as he ran the race.
White Salmon WA contact is Chris Hopskinds at 'chris' He teaches at high school and this is his second year of racing and he is improving.
In Woodenville WA (I think) there is Dave Cloud at ''
I told both of the teachers that were at Lacey to contact me if they need any help on anything. I can try to help them with any questions or ideas over the internet or by phone. My contact is '' 541/554-3808.
Good luck,
electrathon said
May 9, 2011
I looked and it is a 7 hour drive each way from my house (Portland, OR). I think your best bet is to talk to Cloud and see if he will come and hype the guys up.
My brother (Alan Scholz) and I have been sponsoring Electrothon students from Willamette High in Eugene through our company Bike Friday for a number of years.
I have recently relocated to Winthrop WA in the beautiful Methow Valley. I have talked up the Electothon project as a great magnet class for kids. A couple of the teachers from Liberty Bell high school made it to the Lacey Grand Prix last week and have found religion.
I am apealing for someone or a group to come to Winthrop and demostrate a car for the kids and if possible let them drive it.
If this is possible for anyone, we are shooting for June 3rd 2011 so that it can be done before summer vacation.
Can anyone do it? Give me a call at 509 - 996 - 4267 or email me at
Hanz Scholz
cofounder at Bike Friday
Great to hear you are involved with this. I heard from Mike Cheek that you 'retired' from Bike Friday. Thanks for the years of support for our program.
I can not make it as I am teaching that day and I admit that I would hate to make the drive there from Eugene. I would have to drive our battery truck that gets about 4.5 miles per gallon. I'm not sure where Winthrop is but here are some possibilities. If non of these work let me know and I may be able to come up with others.
Lacy WA race had a couple of local open class cars this year and a high school that had a couple of cars but the teacher did not come to their race this year because it was the Saturday of Easter weekend. Todd Blackman has a car and his contact is '' he could also give you those other contacts as he ran the race.
White Salmon WA contact is Chris Hopskinds at 'chris' He teaches at high school and this is his second year of racing and he is improving.
In Woodenville WA (I think) there is Dave Cloud at ''
I told both of the teachers that were at Lacey to contact me if they need any help on anything. I can try to help them with any questions or ideas over the internet or by phone. My contact is '' 541/554-3808.
Good luck,