In the NW we have an inspection form that we use all season for each car. The front is very similar to the standard form and the rear shows each race attended and modifications/corections made to the car durring the season.
We were having issues with small corrections drivers were told to make to their cars and then not making them. With the same form at each race you are able to verify that the corretions are made and not ignored (there are often differant inpsectors at each race).
The system is far superior to the one in the rulebook and it just makes since that the rulebook would be corrected.
Jim said
Oct 24, 2011
Like official lap counters, I believe it would be wise to have an "official inspector" to go to all the NW races. Consistency. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the inspection forms.
electrathon said
Nov 3, 2011
One of the issues we run into a couple times a year is we show up and the person putting on the race does npt want to use the NW form , "because it is the wrong form". They want to use the one in the rule book. The form we use is time proven to work very well, if it was included in the rule book we likely woul dhave less trouble with the few odd races that the core group does not run.
electrathon said
Jul 25, 2012
Along with having our form entered in the rule book it also needs to be changed to have in HUGE letters the battery and class that the car is racing in. With the rule change allowing so many batteries and classes it is really dificult to track who is in what class (I think there are 16 classes now). I know last year there were a number of cars that ran in the wrong class due to battery choice.
Kyle Keenan said
Aug 9, 2012
I like how you guys do inspection forms, makes total sense. If a car is found to have, say, bad seat belts, but is given a waiver for one race, they have no excuse to show back up with the same belts. "Oh, I didn't know" cant work, because it wass documented that it was illegal. In SCCA, our cars all carry a small paper book called a Logbook that all cars must run. Does the same thing, keeps a tech log and any infractions we might have over the lifespan of the car.
On another note, Maybe make people run class letters on the side of the cars like we do in SCCA. Would help spectators and drivers both see which car is in their class. Though the jump to 16 classes seems like a bit much.
In the NW we have an inspection form that we use all season for each car. The front is very similar to the standard form and the rear shows each race attended and modifications/corections made to the car durring the season.
We were having issues with small corrections drivers were told to make to their cars and then not making them. With the same form at each race you are able to verify that the corretions are made and not ignored (there are often differant inpsectors at each race).
The system is far superior to the one in the rulebook and it just makes since that the rulebook would be corrected.
Like official lap counters, I believe it would be wise to have an "official inspector" to go to all the NW races. Consistency. Fortunately, there is nothing wrong with the inspection forms.
One of the issues we run into a couple times a year is we show up and the person putting on the race does npt want to use the NW form , "because it is the wrong form". They want to use the one in the rule book. The form we use is time proven to work very well, if it was included in the rule book we likely woul dhave less trouble with the few odd races that the core group does not run.
Along with having our form entered in the rule book it also needs to be changed to have in HUGE letters the battery and class that the car is racing in. With the rule change allowing so many batteries and classes it is really dificult to track who is in what class (I think there are 16 classes now). I know last year there were a number of cars that ran in the wrong class due to battery choice.
On another note, Maybe make people run class letters on the side of the cars like we do in SCCA. Would help spectators and drivers both see which car is in their class. Though the jump to 16 classes seems like a bit much.