PROPOSED CHANGE (2/10/13): The meaning of the yellow flag on Page 32 needs to be clarified as to represent an immediate danger and to proceed forward with caution till the danger is driven past. In addition, it will be mandatory for race hosts to designate where flaggers will be located on K and K insurance forms. The flaggers will be numbered 1-X. At the race the flagger in direct line of the accident will radio in their position # and only they and the flagger directly before them will wave yellow flags (no one else on course will wave caution flags unless more than one accident). If a red flag scenario occurs every flagger will wave their red flag.
Aimee Hart said
Feb 11, 2013
Safety issues with some car designs that have open noses where pants and shoes are the only protection for the driver. In one instance saw tip of shoe sticking out during the race. Safety issues with drivers head and upper body being protected. In another instance saw a large car with nose cone above sidewalls of another smaller car.
Feb 12, 2013
I think adding to the clarification of the yellow flag as to represent an immediate danger and to proceed forward with caution till the danger is driven past on page 32 is great. I dont know if the position of the flaggers is nessasary on the K&K forms unless they require it for insurance. I do think the position of the flaggers and the meaning of the flags should be gone over in the drivers meeting for new drivers but this is more of a procedure thing.
electrathon said
Feb 12, 2013
The issue has emerged at a few races that there is a breakdown and the race stewards waving flags over the total track. This is unnecesary and makes the drivers not pay attention to the flaggers. The only spot that a yellow flag should be displayed if the warning of impending danger, not danger a mile down the track.
As to the red flags, flaggers do not have the red flag, only the marshal at the start finish line. Red flags on the track would be a confusing disaster. I can't count how many times I have had someone yelling for a red flag to be displayed over a very minor issue. Also remember that a red flag stops the clock, you can not just wave it willy nilly on the back side of the track.
mhodgertt said
Feb 15, 2013
Thanks Aaron, 'electrathon', for your comments. Too many false unneeded yellow flags cause drivers to ignore all yellows and causes problems. I would like to change this rule to not read "...and only they and the flagger directly before them..." and to be something like, "just the flagger on the corner immediately before the problem will wave their yellow flag" At our speed drivers should not need more that 50 feet to make corrections to avoid an issue on the track. But I can live with the two corners before the wreck if everyone is OK with it.
Also the rule as written needs to drop the comment about corner marshals having red flags--as Aaron said this is a bad idea.
PROPOSED CHANGE (2/10/13): The meaning of the yellow flag on Page 32 needs to be clarified as to represent an immediate danger and to proceed forward with caution till the danger is driven past. In addition, it will be mandatory for race hosts to designate where flaggers will be located on K and K insurance forms. The flaggers will be numbered 1-X. At the race the flagger in direct line of the accident will radio in their position # and only they and the flagger directly before them will wave yellow flags (no one else on course will wave caution flags unless more than one accident). If a red flag scenario occurs every flagger will wave their red flag.
As to the red flags, flaggers do not have the red flag, only the marshal at the start finish line. Red flags on the track would be a confusing disaster. I can't count how many times I have had someone yelling for a red flag to be displayed over a very minor issue. Also remember that a red flag stops the clock, you can not just wave it willy nilly on the back side of the track.
Also the rule as written needs to drop the comment about corner marshals having red flags--as Aaron said this is a bad idea.