I would love to see Electrathon racing grow. With the "go green" fad going on I think that people would really be interested in the sport if they only knew about it. I have started to publicize EA on a website called Reddit. I think it would be awesome if you all went on and posted comments and/or pictures. And any other ideas on how to get more info out there would be awesome!
Nicodemus Brothers said
Mar 30, 2013
Here's the link to the website in question:
bobfranz said
May 4, 2013
I would love to see Electrathon expand. Here is what we did in So. Cal. my name is Bob Franz and we built the first high school Electrathon car back in 92 with help from Clark Beasley. later we wrote grants and received large funding. please look at http://www.lasv.org/about/programs/isaaq/about.htm Also look at the ZEV Challenge. We stopped doing this because one school wanted to set a record and broke our rules which were more strict than E/A. We were more interested in the engineering and STEM aspect than setting records.
THere is money for STEM the feds and states want to find ways to interest more students in Science Technology Engineering and Math. The focus needs to be on high school. The adults can come along for the ride but the money is at the high school level.
I would love to see Electrathon racing grow. With the "go green" fad going on I think that people would really be interested in the sport if they only knew about it. I have started to publicize EA on a website called Reddit. I think it would be awesome if you all went on and posted comments and/or pictures. And any other ideas on how to get more info out there would be awesome!
I would love to see Electrathon expand. Here is what we did in So. Cal. my name is Bob Franz and we built the first high school Electrathon car back in 92 with help from Clark Beasley. later we wrote grants and received large funding. please look at http://www.lasv.org/about/programs/isaaq/about.htm Also look at the ZEV Challenge. We stopped doing this because one school wanted to set a record and broke our rules which were more strict than E/A. We were more interested in the engineering and STEM aspect than setting records.
THere is money for STEM the feds and states want to find ways to interest more students in Science Technology Engineering and Math. The focus needs to be on high school. The adults can come along for the ride but the money is at the high school level.
good luck.
Bob Franz