A while back I spoke with Dan Eberle, about the DOE wanting to hold an electrathon in Orange Co. California to be run with the Solar Decathalon being held in the fall. I just went to Austin to take some students to see the Formula Sun Grand Prix. Again I saw Dan, he oversees this event. He mentioned that he had been to see an electrathon run in D.C. He stated that there was some city funding of schools to build cars for this event. Basic support for STEM projects. It was during the race so Dan did not have time to talk about this. Dan did mention that there were Blue Sky Design cars at the event.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this?
mhodgertt said
Jul 10, 2013
No I do not know about any of this. But I know that by all standards we qualify for the STEM grants, it is just hard to get the ones giving them out to grant any money that is not tied to computers, etc. Last year the Industrial Tech areas were legally added to the list of areas that qualify for STEM status but when I talk to anyone that has anything to do with grants in the NW I am told that we don't qualify for anything because we are not 'engineering/tech' enough. Meaning computer tech and math based engineering.
If you find out more please keep all of us informed!
bobfranz said
Jul 11, 2013
I spoke with Mark Murphy and he sold several kits to the greater Washington D.C. area. I searched the web and found http://www.wtop.com/41/3360520/Clarksburg-HS-wins-electric-car-grand-prix. If this was not a sanctioned event. Electrathon needs to reach out to the schools so that EA grows with these schools.
I am talking to a few possible sponsors about doing something like this go get schools started here in San Antonio. Right now First Robotics is the big winner in the STEM race to get students interested in Engineering. Having done robotics at Los Altos Academy of Engineering for years. Electrathon is a better return on the investment. Is not the racing but the engineering that goes into the design that makes this a STEM project.
mhodgertt said
Jul 12, 2013
The race you are talking about may have been sanctioned. Aimee Hart is the one that does that not me. I agree that Electrathon is much better return but since it is not 'computer based' it is a hard sell.
UCEA_MD_Member said
Aug 5, 2015
The event in question was the "DC EV Grand Prix" and was first run in June 2013. Global IEE was the organizing agency and they recieved sanctioning through Aimee Hart at Electrathon America for both that event and the following year. We actually competed in the 2014 event and thought it was very well run. My only concern was that the rollbar inspection was not as stringent as it should have been, and I mentioned it both at and after the event.
This past year, they did not seem to be registered with Electrathon America as a sanctioned event. I did not take my team, either.
A while back I spoke with Dan Eberle, about the DOE wanting to hold an electrathon in Orange Co. California to be run with the Solar Decathalon being held in the fall. I just went to Austin to take some students to see the Formula Sun Grand Prix. Again I saw Dan, he oversees this event. He mentioned that he had been to see an electrathon run in D.C. He stated that there was some city funding of schools to build cars for this event. Basic support for STEM projects. It was during the race so Dan did not have time to talk about this. Dan did mention that there were Blue Sky Design cars at the event.
Does anyone have any knowledge of this?
No I do not know about any of this. But I know that by all standards we qualify for the STEM grants, it is just hard to get the ones giving them out to grant any money that is not tied to computers, etc. Last year the Industrial Tech areas were legally added to the list of areas that qualify for STEM status but when I talk to anyone that has anything to do with grants in the NW I am told that we don't qualify for anything because we are not 'engineering/tech' enough. Meaning computer tech and math based engineering.
If you find out more please keep all of us informed!
I spoke with Mark Murphy and he sold several kits to the greater Washington D.C. area. I searched the web and found http://www.wtop.com/41/3360520/Clarksburg-HS-wins-electric-car-grand-prix. If this was not a sanctioned event. Electrathon needs to reach out to the schools so that EA grows with these schools.
I am talking to a few possible sponsors about doing something like this go get schools started here in San Antonio. Right now First Robotics is the big winner in the STEM race to get students interested in Engineering. Having done robotics at Los Altos Academy of Engineering for years. Electrathon is a better return on the investment. Is not the racing but the engineering that goes into the design that makes this a STEM project.
The event in question was the "DC EV Grand Prix" and was first run in June 2013. Global IEE was the organizing agency and they recieved sanctioning through Aimee Hart at Electrathon America for both that event and the following year. We actually competed in the 2014 event and thought it was very well run. My only concern was that the rollbar inspection was not as stringent as it should have been, and I mentioned it both at and after the event.
This past year, they did not seem to be registered with Electrathon America as a sanctioned event. I did not take my team, either.