Look on the Drop Box for EA. Aimee has sent out the information needed to access the site. On there are ~130 PIX from the various regions. If you want more let me know and I can quickly put together a thumb drive or some CDs with more pictures and videos from the NW and send them to you. My drop box is fairly full or I would just put them there. Maybe I could do another as another name but I don't think it will on the same email. What pictures and videos I have lean strongly toward Willamette High but does show most of the NW cars at the 9 races (12 days) that we have each year. I can send you items from 2013. 2012, 2011, etc. if you want.
I am putting together promotional material for upcoming races and two trade shows and need some help.
I need pix of car construction and the finished product, In Car videos, start line pix and videos, pit crew action etc.
Vic Nieves
Program Director, Electrathonoftampabay.org