Look for a kit car to compete in NECA races with a high school team.
rmushing said
Oct 2, 2013
Look for a kit car to compete in NECA races with a high school team. Interested in either completed or partially completed cars.
mhodgertt said
Oct 3, 2013
Dave Cloud (cloudvolt@hotmail.com) in Washington often has very competitive completed cars for sale. You might check Destiny Parts (Kirk Swaney #511-760-1895) in Albany Oregon or Blue Sky Design (blueskyDSN@AOL.com) also in Oregon for kit cars.
ShannonCloud said
Oct 5, 2013
I don't know if my dad (Dave Cloud) has any cars he is looking to sell at the moment. But he has all the parts, and is generally more then willing to help by answering any questions. He is in the process of moving down south but he often lets people come out to the shop and look at things, so if you are in the Seattle (ish) area i'm sure he would be willing to help.
Look for a kit car to compete in NECA races with a high school team. Interested in either completed or partially completed cars.
I don't know if my dad (Dave Cloud) has any cars he is looking to sell at the moment. But he has all the parts, and is generally more then willing to help by answering any questions. He is in the process of moving down south but he often lets people come out to the shop and look at things, so if you are in the Seattle (ish) area i'm sure he would be willing to help.