So today in my physics class we were learning about transformers, and how some (set-up transformers) can increase voltage and lower amps (much like Bernoulli's principle with liquids). Now I know with higher voltage it means lower amperage meaning less inefficiency in the car. This also allows for Optima yellow/red tops to be used at much higher voltage with better efficiency. The transformers also have a very high efficiency. So has anyone ever tried using a set-up transformer? Was it usefull? Or could this be a waste of time and energy?
ProEV said
May 8, 2015
Higher voltage means lower current and greater efficiency for the same power but transformers need alternating current (AC) not direct current (DC).
So today in my physics class we were learning about transformers, and how some (set-up transformers) can increase voltage and lower amps (much like Bernoulli's principle with liquids). Now I know with higher voltage it means lower amperage meaning less inefficiency in the car. This also allows for Optima yellow/red tops to be used at much higher voltage with better efficiency. The transformers also have a very high efficiency. So has anyone ever tried using a set-up transformer? Was it usefull? Or could this be a waste of time and energy?
Higher voltage means lower current and greater efficiency for the same power but transformers need alternating current (AC) not direct current (DC).