Hi guys some ideas and issues about the 2016 race season for the North West...
We have lost Mt. Hood CC, and Lacey WA as races for next year. We only had 6 races last year with Mapleton not having a race so we are now down to 4 races unless we add more. Hood River, Valley River Center-Thurston's, Pasco, WA, and Lane CC-Willamete's.
Many of you have said that we have too many races and travel too far for some. I will agree to go down to 4 races that 'count' toward the state standing but I would like to have at least 6 possible races with at least two designated as optional and not counting toward the standings.
Since we lost our first race of the season at Mt Hood CC, Willamette High could take that spot and do one at LCC. If you want so that we can do the inspections of all of the cars and set up all of the envelopes with new paperwork for each car that Mark and Aaron have taken care of for years. I would like to do this on March 12th.. Our spring break is the 19th through the 27th and I want this first race sometime in March....This is about the same time frame as Mt Hood CC was each year.... How does that sound??? THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
Then if Jeff Blackman can haul the barrier trailer back to Hood River and figure how to get it back to Eugene, they could have the next race on April 2nd or April 9th so there is spring break and two or three weeks of classes in between the first two races for modifications etc. after the first testing of the cars. Ideas? THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
Then April 23rd or 30th Pasco could hold its race. (I think the usual time on the 4th weekend in April?) Many have said they can not or are not able to make that race as it is too far, the transportation cost is too high, school regulations make it a No No, etc. SO THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT DOES NOT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
Aril 30th could be the Thurston race at Valley River Center....Or we could toss in a new race there....I am thinking either Bend or the one that Shannon was looking into in Washington a little North of Lacey or one at Orgon Raceway Park near Grass Valley Oregon that hosted a 'Demo day' on July 2nd???? How does this work out for everyone???? No matter where it was. Host get first come first served on the dates and counting or not counting dates. Since there are two weeks between races that count toward the standing...THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
May 7th could be again Thurston's, Bend's, Shannon's, or an Oregon Raceway Park race. There is only one week between counting races on this one SO THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT DOES NOT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
May 14th again would be Thurston's, Bend's, Shannon's, or an Oregon Raceway Park race. This would give us two weeks between races that count SO THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
May 28th and 29th would be PIR this year. This give us two weeks to modify our 'short track cars' to make them more areodynamic and ready for the fast track.
Then we will have to see about any other races. during the spring that anyone wants to put on they would be on the weekends off from "counting" races and fill in the schedule more but may be good for races so kids can gain experience, or races at places near teams that don't make many races that are a long way off like those in the Pasco area.
mhodgertt said
Apr 25, 2016
Here are the standing and places for the first 3 races of the NW season. You can go onto MyLaps and go to "karting" and 'USA' Then go to the dates (LCC 3/12, Hood River 4/2, and Valley River Center 4/23) to see individual race information. Pasco will be on 4/30 and Mapleton at 5/22. We will have our end of the year event on May 28th and 29th at Portland International Raceway with a long track and 'short road' track race each day. We then have from 1 to 3 two day events over the summer.
1 97 Willamette Cole Stuller, Dillon Outka 1 2 3 6 3
2 154 Thurston Brandon Heckathorn 3 1 7 11 5.5
3 159 Thurston Brandon Reinhart 6 3 6 15 7.5
4 158 Thurston Elija Carston 2 13 2 17 8.5
5 153 Thurston Teric Seareant 11 7 1 19 9.5
5 32 Hood River Valley Ian Rand 10 5 4 19 9.5
7 96 Willamette Brandon Thompson 8 8 5 21 10.5
7 100 Willamette Tobin Thorn 4 6 15 25 12.5
9 20 Springfield Regan Dellar 12 4 16 32 16
9 30 Springfield C. Putman, M. Rodrequez 7 15 10 32 16
11 99 Willamette Krysten Taylor 5 18 11 34 17
12 45 Hood River Valley Charlie Sutherland 9 9 19 37 18.5
13 47 Hood River Valley Colson Zack 23 11 9 43 21.5
14 111 Willamette Jose Guitierez 18 14 13 45 22.5
15 10 Springfield Bobby Powell 15 26 12 53 26.5
15 112 Willamette Matthew Batchelor 23 25 8 56 28
17 102 Willamette Josh Denson 23 17 18 58 29
18 152 Thurston 21 10 28 59 29.5
19 22 Hood River Valley Ben Kasterger 22 23 14 59 29.5
20 107 Willamette Ryan Schreckengast 14 20 27 61 30.5
21 156 Thurston 23 12 29 64 32
22 444 Monroe Cody Baker 23 22 21 66 33
23 95 Willamette Jackson Brown 16 21 30 67 33.5
24 114 Willamette Jordan Foss 20 33 17 70 35
25 232 Delta EV 23 16 32 71 35.5
25 101 Willamette J. Denson, M. Batchelor 19 34 20 73 36.5
27 120 Delta EV 23 19 32 74 37
28 222 Monroe Joseph Ballard 13 30 32 75 37.5
29 333 Monroe Dillon Baron 23 28 24 75 37.5
30 106 Willamette Gailieo Garcia 17 27 32 76 38
31 105 Willamette Issac Diaz 23 31 23 77 38.5
31 115 Willamette Thomas Flores 23 34 22 79 39.5
33 242 Columbia Coulter Roe 23 24 32 79 39.5
34 36 Hood River Valley Enrialc Morales 23 34 25 82 41
35 16 Cottage Grove Brayden Robertson 23 34 26 83 41.5
36 169 ?? ?? 23 29 32 84 42
37 63 Cottage Grove Brayden Robertson 23 32 30 85 42.5
1 38 Willamette Mike Hodgert 1 1 2 4 2
2 27 McCaw Racing Adam McCaw 2 3 6 11 5.5
3 59 Stapleton Racing Zaine Stapleton 6 2 4 12 6
3 65 Rowdy Racing James Elliott 3 6 3 12 6
5 49 Willamette Gary Dull 6 9 1 16 8
5 43 Cloud Racing Andrew Dunningan 6 4 6 16 8
7 17 McCaw Racing Jeff McCaw 4 7 6 17 8.5
7 41 Cloud Racing Shannon Cloud 6 5 6 17 8.5
9 110 Willamette Rick On 5 8 5 18 9
Zaine Stapleton said
May 6, 2016
Thanks for the update Mike. Look forward to being in Mapleton in the next couple of weeks.
Hi guys some ideas and issues about the 2016 race season for the North West...
We have lost Mt. Hood CC, and Lacey WA as races for next year. We only had 6 races last year with Mapleton not having a race so we are now down to 4 races unless we add more. Hood River, Valley River Center-Thurston's, Pasco, WA, and Lane CC-Willamete's.
Many of you have said that we have too many races and travel too far for some. I will agree to go down to 4 races that 'count' toward the state standing but I would like to have at least 6 possible races with at least two designated as optional and not counting toward the standings.
Since we lost our first race of the season at Mt Hood CC, Willamette High could take that spot and do one at LCC. If you want so that we can do the inspections of all of the cars and set up all of the envelopes with new paperwork for each car that Mark and Aaron have taken care of for years. I would like to do this on March 12th.. Our spring break is the 19th through the 27th and I want this first race sometime in March....This is about the same time frame as Mt Hood CC was each year.... How does that sound??? THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
Then if Jeff Blackman can haul the barrier trailer back to Hood River and figure how to get it back to Eugene, they could have the next race on April 2nd or April 9th so there is spring break and two or three weeks of classes in between the first two races for modifications etc. after the first testing of the cars. Ideas? THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
Then April 23rd or 30th Pasco could hold its race. (I think the usual time on the 4th weekend in April?) Many have said they can not or are not able to make that race as it is too far, the transportation cost is too high, school regulations make it a No No, etc. SO THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT DOES NOT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
Aril 30th could be the Thurston race at Valley River Center....Or we could toss in a new race there....I am thinking either Bend or the one that Shannon was looking into in Washington a little North of Lacey or one at Orgon Raceway Park near Grass Valley Oregon that hosted a 'Demo day' on July 2nd???? How does this work out for everyone???? No matter where it was. Host get first come first served on the dates and counting or not counting dates. Since there are two weeks between races that count toward the standing...THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
May 7th could be again Thurston's, Bend's, Shannon's, or an Oregon Raceway Park race. There is only one week between counting races on this one SO THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT DOES NOT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
May 14th again would be Thurston's, Bend's, Shannon's, or an Oregon Raceway Park race. This would give us two weeks between races that count SO THIS WOULD BE A RACE THAT COUNTS TOWARD THE STANDINGS.
May 28th and 29th would be PIR this year. This give us two weeks to modify our 'short track cars' to make them more areodynamic and ready for the fast track.
Then we will have to see about any other races. during the spring that anyone wants to put on they would be on the weekends off from "counting" races and fill in the schedule more but may be good for races so kids can gain experience, or races at places near teams that don't make many races that are a long way off like those in the Pasco area.
1 97 Willamette Cole Stuller, Dillon Outka 1 2 3 6 3
2 154 Thurston Brandon Heckathorn 3 1 7 11 5.5
3 159 Thurston Brandon Reinhart 6 3 6 15 7.5
4 158 Thurston Elija Carston 2 13 2 17 8.5
5 153 Thurston Teric Seareant 11 7 1 19 9.5
5 32 Hood River Valley Ian Rand 10 5 4 19 9.5
7 96 Willamette Brandon Thompson 8 8 5 21 10.5
7 100 Willamette Tobin Thorn 4 6 15 25 12.5
9 20 Springfield Regan Dellar 12 4 16 32 16
9 30 Springfield C. Putman, M. Rodrequez 7 15 10 32 16
11 99 Willamette Krysten Taylor 5 18 11 34 17
12 45 Hood River Valley Charlie Sutherland 9 9 19 37 18.5
13 47 Hood River Valley Colson Zack 23 11 9 43 21.5
14 111 Willamette Jose Guitierez 18 14 13 45 22.5
15 10 Springfield Bobby Powell 15 26 12 53 26.5
15 112 Willamette Matthew Batchelor 23 25 8 56 28
17 102 Willamette Josh Denson 23 17 18 58 29
18 152 Thurston 21 10 28 59 29.5
19 22 Hood River Valley Ben Kasterger 22 23 14 59 29.5
20 107 Willamette Ryan Schreckengast 14 20 27 61 30.5
21 156 Thurston 23 12 29 64 32
22 444 Monroe Cody Baker 23 22 21 66 33
23 95 Willamette Jackson Brown 16 21 30 67 33.5
24 114 Willamette Jordan Foss 20 33 17 70 35
25 232 Delta EV 23 16 32 71 35.5
25 101 Willamette J. Denson, M. Batchelor 19 34 20 73 36.5
27 120 Delta EV 23 19 32 74 37
28 222 Monroe Joseph Ballard 13 30 32 75 37.5
29 333 Monroe Dillon Baron 23 28 24 75 37.5
30 106 Willamette Gailieo Garcia 17 27 32 76 38
31 105 Willamette Issac Diaz 23 31 23 77 38.5
31 115 Willamette Thomas Flores 23 34 22 79 39.5
33 242 Columbia Coulter Roe 23 24 32 79 39.5
34 36 Hood River Valley Enrialc Morales 23 34 25 82 41
35 16 Cottage Grove Brayden Robertson 23 34 26 83 41.5
36 169 ?? ?? 23 29 32 84 42
37 63 Cottage Grove Brayden Robertson 23 32 30 85 42.5
1 38 Willamette Mike Hodgert 1 1 2 4 2
2 27 McCaw Racing Adam McCaw 2 3 6 11 5.5
3 59 Stapleton Racing Zaine Stapleton 6 2 4 12 6
3 65 Rowdy Racing James Elliott 3 6 3 12 6
5 49 Willamette Gary Dull 6 9 1 16 8
5 43 Cloud Racing Andrew Dunningan 6 4 6 16 8
7 17 McCaw Racing Jeff McCaw 4 7 6 17 8.5
7 41 Cloud Racing Shannon Cloud 6 5 6 17 8.5
9 110 Willamette Rick On 5 8 5 18 9
Thanks for the update Mike. Look forward to being in Mapleton in the next couple of weeks.