My team just bought 2 tomos moped wheels with drum brakes, on the left wheel the brake is on the inside so the wheel spins the correct way, on the right wheel the brake is on the outside so the wheel has to be put backwards. Is there any way to make it so both wheels go forward? I wouldn't normally care much about something like this but the wheels we got will look very awkward if one is backwards. I have seen on the Blue Sky Design BugE they have the tomos moped wheels and they both go the same way so does anyone know how they do it?
Thanks for the help.
mhodgertt said
Dec 31, 2015
What do you mean one is backwards??? On both the brake drum/lever are on the inside. There is not a forward or backwards on these. One will have the brake cable in front of the axle and the other will be behind the axle. The brake cables will still work and the wheels will still roll the same no matter which way you have them face.
Nitoragro said
Dec 31, 2015
As you know they come off a moped, on the moped the brakes are on the right side on both wheels so the wheels are the right way on the left and backwards on the right, like in this picture. So is there a way to get make the backwards wheel forward so the car will look symmetrical?
mhodgertt said
Jan 1, 2016
Not that I know of. All of the ones I know that use these have them 'backwards' on one side.
Zaine Stapleton said
Jan 3, 2016
You could make some wheel-covers to put on them. That way no one would every know and they'd both look the same. I know that's what most teams do to make their cars a little bit more aerodynamic once up to speed.
Nitoragro said
Jan 3, 2016
I remember reading on here that someone got them from Tap Plastics, Zaine I think it was you, but I can't find it.
My team just bought 2 tomos moped wheels with drum brakes, on the left wheel the brake is on the inside so the wheel spins the correct way, on the right wheel the brake is on the outside so the wheel has to be put backwards. Is there any way to make it so both wheels go forward? I wouldn't normally care much about something like this but the wheels we got will look very awkward if one is backwards. I have seen on the Blue Sky Design BugE they have the tomos moped wheels and they both go the same way so does anyone know how they do it?
Thanks for the help.
What do you mean one is backwards??? On both the brake drum/lever are on the inside. There is not a forward or backwards on these. One will have the brake cable in front of the axle and the other will be behind the axle. The brake cables will still work and the wheels will still roll the same no matter which way you have them face.
As you know they come off a moped, on the moped the brakes are on the right side on both wheels so the wheels are the right way on the left and backwards on the right, like in this picture. So is there a way to get make the backwards wheel forward so the car will look symmetrical?
You could make some wheel-covers to put on them. That way no one would every know and they'd both look the same. I know that's what most teams do to make their cars a little bit more aerodynamic once up to speed.