Does anyone know a good website or store to buy large drive wheel sprockets for a type 35 chain? Preferably in the range of about 100-110 tooth. I have not had much luck looking online and a motor we are thinking about buying needs a larger sprocket to gear to a desirable speed.
ProEV said
Jan 12, 2017
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Archer321 said
Jan 13, 2017
And here I was hoping for a public answer to that inquiry...
mhodgertt said
Jan 13, 2017
When we used to need them (before eTEk and lower RPM) I went to a local lawnmower, power equipment, etc. store. They looked on a go cart site and found 35 pitch sprockets. Some were pre-drilled for an adapter others we found had a 1" center hole and we were able to use a lathe and machine them to the proper size hole to fit tight around a freewheel then just drill 4 - 1/4" holes to hold it to the 16 tooth freewheel. With the eTek the largest rear sprocket we use is a 72 tooth and most of our cars use 58 or 60 tooth. I buy these made out of aluminum and machine them to fit our freewheels.
Archer321 said
Feb 9, 2017
So can we get a public response for where to find 100 tooth or bigger aluminum sprockets for #35 chain?
mhodgertt said
Feb 9, 2017
Like I said in my last post. I bought them from a local lawn mower repair shop. They ordered them from company that made them for go-carts. I just glanced at a google search and the third place I looked went to 114 tooth. It was a split ring gear and sold with an adapter hub but I am sure they would sell it without the hub if called I put in '100+ tooth go-kart sprockets for #35 chain' for my search.
Archer321 said
Feb 9, 2017
Actually in your first post on here you never mentioned anything bigger than 72 teeth and I should have specified that I don't want a split sprocket.
Archer321 said
Feb 9, 2017
Has aluminum sprockets up to 114 teeth
Does anyone know a good website or store to buy large drive wheel sprockets for a type 35 chain? Preferably in the range of about 100-110 tooth. I have not had much luck looking online and a motor we are thinking about buying needs a larger sprocket to gear to a desirable speed.
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