Looks like a good track. Unfortunately it is the same weekend as an Electrathon of Tampa Bay race.
Archer321 said
Apr 17, 2018
Well it was an interesting little race.
Decent track layout. Surprising elevation changes. Surface was a little rough in places but they patched the worst parts. Kinda busy day with them running two Greenpower races and two Electrathon races. On the whole it was a pretty good event. I'll likely try to attend next year.
Here's a video...
ProEV said
Apr 18, 2018
Looks fun especially the elevation changes. How many cars? How did you do? Was the Green Power race 1.5 hours? What was your impression of their series?
Archer321 said
Apr 18, 2018
There were only 6 Electrathon cars there and I finished second due to a broken chain in the first race and a flat tire in the second. I'm guessing they had 10 or 12 Greenpower cars and they did run their full 90 minute races. On the whole it was a pretty good event considering it was their first time hosting. I think they should tighten up on their tech inspection and rule compliance some but we'll see how they do next time.
Anyone besides me going to this?
Looks fun especially the elevation changes. How many cars? How did you do? Was the Green Power race 1.5 hours? What was your impression of their series?