hey uys i am trying to get my front axel on my car done and i am using a streiaght pice of one by two square tubing and with a fifteen degreee tilt up and i have a piece of 4 by 6 steel cut in have at an angle with holes drilled for my wheel any tips on how to inprove itit is the best that i can get and i need help to figure out how to make sure i dont have to remake it beceause im on a time crunch any ideas?????
It is hard for me to understand exactly what you are asking without a picture. Do you want a way to change the camber (tilt) of the wheel? How about coming up with a way to use bolts to attach the plate that holds the wheel to the square tubing. Then you can add washers to the top or bottom bolt to change the tilt of the wheel.
Page 19 of the handbook talks about steering geometry. On the showing off and info. about races and other places on this forum there are lots of pictures. If you give me a snail mail address I can mail you some other stuff I have. It is on an old Mac with Claris works so not on the internet and most can not open documents. Mike