So who's going to Daytona and how are you prepping your car for it?
As I see it, this will be a much different sort of race than the usual. With just one hot lap at a time, this seems closer to a drag race than the endurance race we're use to.
That being the case is anyone doing anything different to their cars?
Long straights and wide turns. I am thinking of adjusting gearing for top end. The active word is thinking, since I have not prepped yet for the September race at HCC.
That's what I'm looking at too.
I bought a couple new sprockets for higher top speed options.
I expect the non-hub-motor cars to shine at this event given their availabile gearing choices.
I'm a little concerned about steering, stability, and brakes of our cars at the speeds we'll likely be pushing at this event.
It seems like we're moving into a level of performance that they weren't really designed for.
Could get sketchy.
Daytona has been canceled as the organizers of the whole Speed show have 'postponed' their event. ETO is trying to reschedule a race at Mulberry High School. It would be on the oval running track.